Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oodles of Noodles.

Hey everyone,
It's Cassidy :)
Today I went to the mall with my friends Brenna and Shelby...
It was certainly interesting.
Why might you ask?
Well, we decided to make some videos for this blog right here.
And what did we make the videos of?
We went around asking totally random people what they would put on the world's greatest pizza (If you were part of my immediate family and friends, you would know the story behind "The world's greatest pizza".)
Of course, we asked told them we were making a segment for my blog, and we made sure if it was alright if we video taped them or not.
For those who said no, we just turned the camera away so it didn't get their faces c but so it still picked up what they were saying.
The video will be up just as soon as I get them off my phone and edit all our random crap out of it :P
So, we got plenty of weird looks and a few rude people, but all in all, it went extremely well.
See what I do for you guys? :P
Next time I make a pizza...
I think I know of a few more toppings that I might add :P
Well, just wanted to let you guys know, and they'll all be up soon!
Hope you all are having a fabulous week :)

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