Monday, January 16, 2012


Hey everyone,
C-Dizzle here! :D
Right now I'm in Lindsay, which is a small town about an hour away from Peterborough, and about 4 and a half to 5 hours from where I live.
We`re here for two reasons:
1) My aaawwwwesooome grandma lives in Lindsay and we were well over due for a visit!
2) This week, the workers at our house are going to be completely taking out the stairs leading to the basement (Where we`re currently bunking for a few months), and moving them to a different place. So who knows how many days that would take and how long it would be before they put something up (A ladder, large step stool, ect.) so we could go upstairs.
We left the Saturday (The 14th I think) and we`re going back home Friday the 20th.
So yeah, hopefully this week is enjoyable (Can`t see it not being that way),
And I`ll possibly talk to you guys again this week.
If not, I hope you guys have a fantabulawesome week and I`ll be making a post again sometime soon!!

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