Well as you can tell by my title,
I couldn't think of anything clever or witty to start this post off.
So, the rest is all downhill from here. :P
I was just looking through all my posts I've ever created on this blog,
and the one thought that was constant in my mind the whole time, was
"Wow. I was a real tard back then."
And really, all the grammar and spelling mistakes I made were simply ridiculous.
Simpully ridickulus.
Of course, I have the ability to go back and edit everything,
but do you know how much time and work that would mean?
I definitely don't feel like putting that much effort into this blog :P
But really, it's amazing how much I've changed since just last year.
Mostly in looks, which I'm definitely not complaining about.
I was a bit of an ugly duckling :P
Not that I'm much better now, but lets not get into that.
I'm looking forward to 2012, to be quite honest,
2011 hasn't been that great, haha xD
I've decided on making a few changes this year, too...
I plan on dropping a few of the newly gained Christmas pounds for one... :P
I also hope to read through the whole New Testament in whatever time it takes me (A chapter a day AT LEAST, and I have to be done by New Years 2012),
And also I hope to pick up running....
I'm aiming to be able to do 5k by Christmas 2012,
hopefully sooner, though...
So anyways,
I just wanted to share needless information with you guys,
And I hope 2012 brings you nothing but the best and for everyone to enjoy the rest of their holidays!
Happy New Years everyone :)
Friday, December 30, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Haven't made a post in forever, sorreh :/
I hope everyone's holidays are going superbly!
Right now, I'm writing this post with my brand new laptop that I got for Christmas :D
(Can you say awesomest gift ever?)
I didn't get much this year, which is understandable considering I got a laptop, but oh well!
I'm happy with everything I got :)
I don't have much to say, really...
Like I've said many, many times before, I don't really do much :P
I should probably tell you about the youth conference...
I'm not going to go into details with everything that happened,
but it was a good weekend over all :)
My friend from Alberta came up (I think I mentioned that in my last post),
Which was fun...
I'm glad I got to see her, although I'm not sure she enjoyed herself as much as me or as much as she could have...
Oh wells :/
I don't have much to say right now, but I may later on this month or something...
In case I don't make another post before then,
Happy New Years to all of you guys and I hope 2012 brings you nothing but the best ;D
Talk to you all later!
Haven't made a post in forever, sorreh :/
I hope everyone's holidays are going superbly!
Right now, I'm writing this post with my brand new laptop that I got for Christmas :D
(Can you say awesomest gift ever?)
I didn't get much this year, which is understandable considering I got a laptop, but oh well!
I'm happy with everything I got :)
I don't have much to say, really...
Like I've said many, many times before, I don't really do much :P
I should probably tell you about the youth conference...
I'm not going to go into details with everything that happened,
but it was a good weekend over all :)
My friend from Alberta came up (I think I mentioned that in my last post),
Which was fun...
I'm glad I got to see her, although I'm not sure she enjoyed herself as much as me or as much as she could have...
Oh wells :/
I don't have much to say right now, but I may later on this month or something...
In case I don't make another post before then,
Happy New Years to all of you guys and I hope 2012 brings you nothing but the best ;D
Talk to you all later!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Hey everyone!
Sorry it's been forever since I last made a post.
I've been really busy (not really, I just said that to make myself sound cool).
I hope everyone's having a wonderful....school year, and I hope whatever holidays were in between the last post and this one were enjoyable for you.
This weekend coming (the 11th, 12th, and 13th) is the annual Sudbury Youth Conference!!
I'm psyched out of my mind!!
Also, this Wednesday, my friend from Alberta is coming up until Sunday, which is going to make this week all the better :D
My mind and soul are over flowing with the deep kind of joy that could bring this world peace...(hippy moment) :P
Anyways, I'm so excited I'm even going to give you guys this picture of happy people jumping on a sandy beach.
(My favorite one is the last one on the right who looks like she's about to give birth in the air)

Hopefully that might give you an idea of my excitement.
Other than that, honestly nothing new and/or exciting has happened to me.
Sorry this wasn't a longer post, but you can expect at least a fairly long one on Monday, in which I'll be telling you about my Youth Conference weekend, along with my time with my Alberta friend :D
Talk to you all on Monday,
Sorry it's been forever since I last made a post.
I've been really busy (not really, I just said that to make myself sound cool).
I hope everyone's having a wonderful....school year, and I hope whatever holidays were in between the last post and this one were enjoyable for you.
This weekend coming (the 11th, 12th, and 13th) is the annual Sudbury Youth Conference!!
I'm psyched out of my mind!!
Also, this Wednesday, my friend from Alberta is coming up until Sunday, which is going to make this week all the better :D
My mind and soul are over flowing with the deep kind of joy that could bring this world peace...(hippy moment) :P
Anyways, I'm so excited I'm even going to give you guys this picture of happy people jumping on a sandy beach.
(My favorite one is the last one on the right who looks like she's about to give birth in the air)

Hopefully that might give you an idea of my excitement.
Other than that, honestly nothing new and/or exciting has happened to me.
Sorry this wasn't a longer post, but you can expect at least a fairly long one on Monday, in which I'll be telling you about my Youth Conference weekend, along with my time with my Alberta friend :D
Talk to you all on Monday,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Touching base!
Hey everyone!
Sorry I haven't made a post in AGES.
I've been to busy doing nothing to make a post :P
Not a lot has happened to me since the last post I've made.
Sad, eh?
But literally, nothing has really happened.
I lead a very boring life.
So boring they should have a spot for me in the Guiness Book of World Records for having on of the most boring lives on the face of the earth.
But, if we were to talk about things realistically, a lot has actually happened to me but I'm just to lazy to write it all down XD
I will share a few things with you though.
I got a new puppy named Mr. Bean.
I also started school this Monday.
Seriously though, just my history alone is making me reach levels of frustration I never knew I could reach.
Lets just say if the person who ever invented the idea of school was still alive,
I would personally go and rip their guts out with a fork.
But anyways, speaking of History I should probably get back to that...
I'll make another post some other day with more details and such.
Sorry I haven't made a post in AGES.
I've been to busy doing nothing to make a post :P
Not a lot has happened to me since the last post I've made.
Sad, eh?
But literally, nothing has really happened.
I lead a very boring life.
So boring they should have a spot for me in the Guiness Book of World Records for having on of the most boring lives on the face of the earth.
But, if we were to talk about things realistically, a lot has actually happened to me but I'm just to lazy to write it all down XD
I will share a few things with you though.
I got a new puppy named Mr. Bean.
I also started school this Monday.
Seriously though, just my history alone is making me reach levels of frustration I never knew I could reach.
Lets just say if the person who ever invented the idea of school was still alive,
I would personally go and rip their guts out with a fork.
But anyways, speaking of History I should probably get back to that...
I'll make another post some other day with more details and such.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Summer time :D
Hey everyone!
Sorry for not making a legit post in a while (if you were my brother or cousin you would've gotten that...Even though I think I might've actually just used it in the right context...but I'm not sure) :P
Anyways, I decided that I was going to make a post about my summer.
But then I realized, I couldn't make a post about that.
I haven't done anything.
But then I ALSO realized that I HAVE done stuff this summer, it's just stuff most of you wouldn't be interested in.
But THEN realized that most of you are pretty boring people and are entertained by pretty much anything, so I decided the heck with and here I am making a post about my summer :P
By the way, I was only kidding in the statement above :)
this summer I haven't done much except for go to camp, visit with my family, and help out with the 5 Day Club we have at our church every summer which I am currently doing.
Pretty exciting, eh?
Ah, the joys of sarcasm.....
So yeah, like I said, my summer has been pretty boring and I probably should've realized that in talking about my summer I was only agreeing to making a short post...
Which, actually, isn't so bad because I'm starting to get lazy and no longer want to type :P
So, I guess this is farewell until next time!
Hope you all have a fantabulawesome summer ;D
Sorry for not making a legit post in a while (if you were my brother or cousin you would've gotten that...Even though I think I might've actually just used it in the right context...but I'm not sure) :P
Anyways, I decided that I was going to make a post about my summer.
But then I realized, I couldn't make a post about that.
I haven't done anything.
But then I ALSO realized that I HAVE done stuff this summer, it's just stuff most of you wouldn't be interested in.
But THEN realized that most of you are pretty boring people and are entertained by pretty much anything, so I decided the heck with and here I am making a post about my summer :P
By the way, I was only kidding in the statement above :)
this summer I haven't done much except for go to camp, visit with my family, and help out with the 5 Day Club we have at our church every summer which I am currently doing.
Pretty exciting, eh?
Ah, the joys of sarcasm.....
So yeah, like I said, my summer has been pretty boring and I probably should've realized that in talking about my summer I was only agreeing to making a short post...
Which, actually, isn't so bad because I'm starting to get lazy and no longer want to type :P
So, I guess this is farewell until next time!
Hope you all have a fantabulawesome summer ;D
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Also great for lolz :)
Girl #1: Hey.
Girl #2: Hey, is that a new haircut?
Girl #1: Yeah.
Girl #2: I love it!
Girl #1: Really? I have this new girl doing my hair.
Girl #2: Why, what happened to Sharon?
Girl #1: She moved, her boyfriend cheated on her.
Girl #2: He did not!
Girl #1: Yes! She deserves so much better.
Girl #2: Definitely.
Girl #1: Mhm, oh and I love your shoes!
Girl #2: Thanks. I just bought them at that new store.
Girl #1: Oh, the one that just opened in the mall?
Girl #2: Yeah. They have really cute things!
Girl #1: Oh, I'm going to have to check it out.
Girl #2: You should.
[this goes on for hours]
Guy #1: Hey, new haircut?
Guy #2: Yup.
Guy #1: Wanna grab a taco?
Guy #2: Totally.
Girl #1: Hey.
Girl #2: Hey, is that a new haircut?
Girl #1: Yeah.
Girl #2: I love it!
Girl #1: Really? I have this new girl doing my hair.
Girl #2: Why, what happened to Sharon?
Girl #1: She moved, her boyfriend cheated on her.
Girl #2: He did not!
Girl #1: Yes! She deserves so much better.
Girl #2: Definitely.
Girl #1: Mhm, oh and I love your shoes!
Girl #2: Thanks. I just bought them at that new store.
Girl #1: Oh, the one that just opened in the mall?
Girl #2: Yeah. They have really cute things!
Girl #1: Oh, I'm going to have to check it out.
Girl #2: You should.
[this goes on for hours]
Guy #1: Hey, new haircut?
Guy #2: Yup.
Guy #1: Wanna grab a taco?
Guy #2: Totally.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Great for lolz :D
"When Beethoven passed away, he was buried in a churchyard. A couple days later, the town drunk was walking through the cemetery and heard some strange noise coming from the area where Beethoven was buried. Terrified, the drunk ran and got the priest to come and listen to it. The priest bent close to the grave and heard some faint, unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran and got the town magistrate. When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened for a moment, and said, "Ah, yes, that's Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, being played backwards." He listened a while longer, and said, "There's the Eighth Symphony, and it's backwards, too. Most puzzling." So the magistrate kept listening; "There's the Seventh... the Sixth... the Fifth..." Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in the cemetery, "My fellow citizens, there's nothing to worry about. It's just Beethoven decomposing."
Monday, June 27, 2011
Our STUPID adventure.
Okay, so as you all know from my last post, I went to camp last week FOR a week,
and I said I was going to make a vlog about our time there.
I decided that most of the stuff didn't really matter,
(and I guess you could say it was kind of private).
So, just to give you a story of SOMETHING that happened at camp,
I'll tell you about me, Brenna, and Shelby's RIDONCULOUS adventure.
So we went to camp on a Tuesday, and on Wednesday and Thursday we decided to go on a canoe trip to the public beach, which actually isn't that far from the camp.
And when we went on Wednesday it was actually quite fun.
The water was perfect for canoeing in, with only subtle waves on the way back.
So, after having a fun time at the public beach the first time we went, we decided to do it again the next day.
Not the greatest idea we've ever had.
On Thursday when we went, there were more waves on the way there then there were on our way BACK the day before, and it was actually kind of scary (for me it was, anyways, because I was sitting on the floor- or whatever you want to call it- of the canoe, so every little movement of the boat I felt the most).
So, Brenna and I being the scardy cats of the bunch, we did NOT want to go back in the canoe to get back to camp.
Plus, the waves were only getting worse as the wind got stronger and stronger.
So, after a long while of stressful debating, the three of us decided on what we were to do.
We decided to hide the canoe in the bush (there was barely anyone at the beach, and where from their point of view it looked like we were walking away with it), walk back to the camp, and get Mrs. Sarlo (Brenna and Shelby's mom) to come back to the public beach with the van and put it in the back so we could easily get the canoe back to camp (this idea seemed better than walking back to the camp whilst carrying the heavy canoe over our heads with the chance of seeing the bear and having to run away from a 300 pound bear while carrying a fat boat above us).
So, thinking our idea was a good one, off we went down the gravel road towards Rocklake Christian Campground.
Oh, by the way, I should add that none of us had shoes (Brenna was going to bring some, but Shelby and I persuaded her not to because it would only be more things to worry about if the boat tipped).
So, off we went down the road- which was covered in sharp, hot rocks- with a reoccurring "Ouch!" from all of us.
So we were about half way back to camp when Brenna- who was a little ahead of Shelby and I, stopped dead in her tracks.
With a horrified look, she turned to us and said, "Okay guys, I'm not sure if I'm seeing this right, but I'm almost dead positive that there is bear, right there, sleeping on the rocks..."
So, being the pathetic wimp that I am, said, "I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather canoe back to camp with the chances of tipping,"- We had life jackets, so it was no big deal- "then risk my life to a bear."
So, turning around, with Brenna close behind, we started running as our hurting, burning feet would allow us, with Shelby behind us spazzing.
Yes, she was spazzing.
Why, you may ask?
Because she thought we were being total whoose bags and that it would be easier to just walk the rest of the way to camp.
But there was no way, WHATSOEVER, that I was going to take my chances by walking past a sleeping bear and it possibly wake up.
So we were about 5-10 minutes away from where Brenna spotted the bear, when the people who were staying at the cabin at camp drove by and waved.
In my mind I was wishing and praying that they would stop and offer us a ride, but I knew that it probably wasn't going to happen.
Then, about a minute later, we see Mr. Smith, one of the people from the camp committee, driving around the corner on his four wheeler (by the way, he's good friends with the father who was staying in the cabin, which ties into the story in a few minutes).
So he stopped to talk to us, and we told him the whole story.
So after about a minute of thinking, he offered to drive up ahead and ask the people who were staying in the cabin to give us a ride back to camp.
So, gratefully, we quickly accepted his offer and waited.
About a minute later, we see the people from Michigan (A.K.A the cabin people) driving up around the corner.
So, we hopped in the back of the truck and thanked them when we finally arrived at the camp.
So, surprisingly, the rest of the plan went as according, and we ended up uninjured except for hurting feet (mine were bleeding in the end) and the haunting thought that we could've been viciously attacked by a bear :P
So, all in all, we realized that in the end, it's smarter just to suck it up and get back in the canoe and boat back to camp :P
We also decided that we never want to canoe to the public beach again.
Anyways, sorry for this being such a long post, but I hope you enjoyed the story and learned something from this (what you could've possibly learned, I have no idea).
So I'll talk to you all soon and I hope you all have a great week :D
Love, love, love,
Cassidy <3
and I said I was going to make a vlog about our time there.
I decided that most of the stuff didn't really matter,
(and I guess you could say it was kind of private).
So, just to give you a story of SOMETHING that happened at camp,
I'll tell you about me, Brenna, and Shelby's RIDONCULOUS adventure.
So we went to camp on a Tuesday, and on Wednesday and Thursday we decided to go on a canoe trip to the public beach, which actually isn't that far from the camp.
And when we went on Wednesday it was actually quite fun.
The water was perfect for canoeing in, with only subtle waves on the way back.
So, after having a fun time at the public beach the first time we went, we decided to do it again the next day.
Not the greatest idea we've ever had.
On Thursday when we went, there were more waves on the way there then there were on our way BACK the day before, and it was actually kind of scary (for me it was, anyways, because I was sitting on the floor- or whatever you want to call it- of the canoe, so every little movement of the boat I felt the most).
So, Brenna and I being the scardy cats of the bunch, we did NOT want to go back in the canoe to get back to camp.
Plus, the waves were only getting worse as the wind got stronger and stronger.
So, after a long while of stressful debating, the three of us decided on what we were to do.
We decided to hide the canoe in the bush (there was barely anyone at the beach, and where from their point of view it looked like we were walking away with it), walk back to the camp, and get Mrs. Sarlo (Brenna and Shelby's mom) to come back to the public beach with the van and put it in the back so we could easily get the canoe back to camp (this idea seemed better than walking back to the camp whilst carrying the heavy canoe over our heads with the chance of seeing the bear and having to run away from a 300 pound bear while carrying a fat boat above us).
So, thinking our idea was a good one, off we went down the gravel road towards Rocklake Christian Campground.
Oh, by the way, I should add that none of us had shoes (Brenna was going to bring some, but Shelby and I persuaded her not to because it would only be more things to worry about if the boat tipped).
So, off we went down the road- which was covered in sharp, hot rocks- with a reoccurring "Ouch!" from all of us.
So we were about half way back to camp when Brenna- who was a little ahead of Shelby and I, stopped dead in her tracks.
With a horrified look, she turned to us and said, "Okay guys, I'm not sure if I'm seeing this right, but I'm almost dead positive that there is bear, right there, sleeping on the rocks..."
So, being the pathetic wimp that I am, said, "I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather canoe back to camp with the chances of tipping,"- We had life jackets, so it was no big deal- "then risk my life to a bear."
So, turning around, with Brenna close behind, we started running as our hurting, burning feet would allow us, with Shelby behind us spazzing.
Yes, she was spazzing.
Why, you may ask?
Because she thought we were being total whoose bags and that it would be easier to just walk the rest of the way to camp.
But there was no way, WHATSOEVER, that I was going to take my chances by walking past a sleeping bear and it possibly wake up.
So we were about 5-10 minutes away from where Brenna spotted the bear, when the people who were staying at the cabin at camp drove by and waved.
In my mind I was wishing and praying that they would stop and offer us a ride, but I knew that it probably wasn't going to happen.
Then, about a minute later, we see Mr. Smith, one of the people from the camp committee, driving around the corner on his four wheeler (by the way, he's good friends with the father who was staying in the cabin, which ties into the story in a few minutes).
So he stopped to talk to us, and we told him the whole story.
So after about a minute of thinking, he offered to drive up ahead and ask the people who were staying in the cabin to give us a ride back to camp.
So, gratefully, we quickly accepted his offer and waited.
About a minute later, we see the people from Michigan (A.K.A the cabin people) driving up around the corner.
So, we hopped in the back of the truck and thanked them when we finally arrived at the camp.
So, surprisingly, the rest of the plan went as according, and we ended up uninjured except for hurting feet (mine were bleeding in the end) and the haunting thought that we could've been viciously attacked by a bear :P
So, all in all, we realized that in the end, it's smarter just to suck it up and get back in the canoe and boat back to camp :P
We also decided that we never want to canoe to the public beach again.
Anyways, sorry for this being such a long post, but I hope you enjoyed the story and learned something from this (what you could've possibly learned, I have no idea).
So I'll talk to you all soon and I hope you all have a great week :D
Love, love, love,
Cassidy <3
Saturday, June 25, 2011
It's been a while!
Hey everyone,
Cassidy here! (Who else would this be? I really gotta start rethinking my introductions...)
So I'm really sorry I haven't made a post in a really long time,
I've just been really busy :P
So last Tuesday was my birthday!
And also on Tuesday, I went to camp with Brenna and her family for a week :D
It was oodles of fun and I promise that I will make a vlog on my time there A.S.A.P. (I'm too lazy to type it all :P)
on Saturday my mom took me, Brenna, and Shelby out to the mall,
where we spent almost the whole day birthday shopping (well actually, only 'till about 3:30),
and then we went out to Swiss Chalet for lunch :D
on Monday,
me and my family celebrated my birthday,
considering I was going to camp the next day (my actual birthday) at 9:30 in the morning...
Which doesn't really give us much time to have a birthday dinner and cake :P
Also, if you're wondering why we had to leave for camp at 9:30 in the morning,
it's because the camp they go to is all the way out in Sault Ste. Marie.
So it's a long way from here :P
I once again promise that I will make a vlog on my week at camp as soon as I get the time :D
So anyways,
right now it's a Saturday night and Brenna is sleeping over (she slept over on Friday, also).
It's also pretty late right now, and me, Brenna, and my family all have to get up pretty early for church tomorrow morning.
So maybe I'll call it a night and talk to you all soon :D
Love, love, love-
Cassidy <3
Cassidy here! (Who else would this be? I really gotta start rethinking my introductions...)
So I'm really sorry I haven't made a post in a really long time,
I've just been really busy :P
So last Tuesday was my birthday!
And also on Tuesday, I went to camp with Brenna and her family for a week :D
It was oodles of fun and I promise that I will make a vlog on my time there A.S.A.P. (I'm too lazy to type it all :P)
on Saturday my mom took me, Brenna, and Shelby out to the mall,
where we spent almost the whole day birthday shopping (well actually, only 'till about 3:30),
and then we went out to Swiss Chalet for lunch :D
on Monday,
me and my family celebrated my birthday,
considering I was going to camp the next day (my actual birthday) at 9:30 in the morning...
Which doesn't really give us much time to have a birthday dinner and cake :P
Also, if you're wondering why we had to leave for camp at 9:30 in the morning,
it's because the camp they go to is all the way out in Sault Ste. Marie.
So it's a long way from here :P
I once again promise that I will make a vlog on my week at camp as soon as I get the time :D
So anyways,
right now it's a Saturday night and Brenna is sleeping over (she slept over on Friday, also).
It's also pretty late right now, and me, Brenna, and my family all have to get up pretty early for church tomorrow morning.
So maybe I'll call it a night and talk to you all soon :D
Love, love, love-
Cassidy <3
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Epic eye makeup.
Matress Slide!!
Hey everyone!
So the other day (Saturday night, to be exact) I was at Brenna and Shelby's house.
And as some of you may know, it was her birthday!
So for all you out there who didn't wish her a happy birthday, wish her a happy BELATED birthday.
Do it.
Do it NOW.
And you can do that by going to www.blogy-brenna.blogspot.com and wishing her a happy belated birthday in the comments.
(Speaking of birthdays by the way, mine's in exactly two weeks!! Yaaay!)
Anyways, so when when I was at Brenna and Shelby's Saturday night, we were playing around with a few mattresses.
Of course, we only got a video of one of the things we did with them.
(Watch to the very end. We found it quite funny.)
Hope you enjoyed that little video.
I'll be making more posts soon!!
Peace, love, and dirty diapers,
Cassidy :)
So the other day (Saturday night, to be exact) I was at Brenna and Shelby's house.
And as some of you may know, it was her birthday!
So for all you out there who didn't wish her a happy birthday, wish her a happy BELATED birthday.
Do it.
Do it NOW.
And you can do that by going to www.blogy-brenna.blogspot.com and wishing her a happy belated birthday in the comments.
(Speaking of birthdays by the way, mine's in exactly two weeks!! Yaaay!)
Anyways, so when when I was at Brenna and Shelby's Saturday night, we were playing around with a few mattresses.
Of course, we only got a video of one of the things we did with them.
(Watch to the very end. We found it quite funny.)
Hope you enjoyed that little video.
I'll be making more posts soon!!
Peace, love, and dirty diapers,
Cassidy :)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Brenna's house!
Hey everyone!
It's Victoria weekend, and I'm currently at Brenna's house for a sleepover :D
So I just wanted to make a quick post letting you guys know what's been happening with me.
So last Tuesday, there was a ladies dinner at our church, but the same night there was a concert for a Christian band called Switchfoot.
So I wasn't allowed going to the the concert, but brenna and Shelby were going.
So usually when there's an event at our church, Brenna's always asked to sing.
BUT SINCE SHE WAS GONE, I was finally asked for ONCE.
(What on earth would we all do without Brenna? *Sarcasm*)
So I sang an old hymn called 'Be Thou My Vision".
"Be Thou My Vision" actually happens to be favorite hymn by the way, too :D
Anyways, I only had a day and a half to practice it, so I ended up messing up alot on the first verse and a few other times here and there during the song.
But my mom video taped it, so I decided to post the video on here :)
But I haven't gotten around to it just quite yet, 'cause I'm lazy :P
Oh, and before I forget, I have a few other videos I want to post on here too.
They'll probably be up sometime this week, but I could just get lazier then usual and procrastinate and not end up posting it 'till sometime next month :P
But yeah, I just wanted to make a quick post letting you know whats been happening with me lately.
(I lead a pretty boring life, I know.)
So anyways, I'll talk to you guys later, and I hope you guys have a good week and Ill talk to you all later!!
Signing out for good *Not really*,
P.S. It's ma' birfday in a couple of weeks!! YAY! I'll be turning **!!
P.P.S. Check out my brother's blog, www.ablorg.blogspot.com
P.P.P.S. Also, check out Brenna's blog www.brenna-blogy.blogspot.com
It's Victoria weekend, and I'm currently at Brenna's house for a sleepover :D
So I just wanted to make a quick post letting you guys know what's been happening with me.
So last Tuesday, there was a ladies dinner at our church, but the same night there was a concert for a Christian band called Switchfoot.
So I wasn't allowed going to the the concert, but brenna and Shelby were going.
So usually when there's an event at our church, Brenna's always asked to sing.
BUT SINCE SHE WAS GONE, I was finally asked for ONCE.
(What on earth would we all do without Brenna? *Sarcasm*)
So I sang an old hymn called 'Be Thou My Vision".
"Be Thou My Vision" actually happens to be favorite hymn by the way, too :D
Anyways, I only had a day and a half to practice it, so I ended up messing up alot on the first verse and a few other times here and there during the song.
But my mom video taped it, so I decided to post the video on here :)
But I haven't gotten around to it just quite yet, 'cause I'm lazy :P
Oh, and before I forget, I have a few other videos I want to post on here too.
They'll probably be up sometime this week, but I could just get lazier then usual and procrastinate and not end up posting it 'till sometime next month :P
But yeah, I just wanted to make a quick post letting you know whats been happening with me lately.
(I lead a pretty boring life, I know.)
So anyways, I'll talk to you guys later, and I hope you guys have a good week and Ill talk to you all later!!
Signing out for good *Not really*,
P.S. It's ma' birfday in a couple of weeks!! YAY! I'll be turning **!!
P.P.S. Check out my brother's blog, www.ablorg.blogspot.com
P.P.P.S. Also, check out Brenna's blog www.brenna-blogy.blogspot.com
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Jonah :D
Hey everyone!
It's C-Dizzle in 'da hiz' house!!
This isn't going to be a very lone post, but I just want to say I'm HOPING (no promises!) to be coming out with a new VLOG every week.
But who knows.
I'm a lazy person.
It might not happen.
Anyways, so I just wanted to post a quick video of the little cutie Jonah that we babysit a couple times a week.
Hope you enjoy!
It's C-Dizzle in 'da hiz' house!!
This isn't going to be a very lone post, but I just want to say I'm HOPING (no promises!) to be coming out with a new VLOG every week.
But who knows.
I'm a lazy person.
It might not happen.
Anyways, so I just wanted to post a quick video of the little cutie Jonah that we babysit a couple times a week.
Hope you enjoy!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
So, I'm having just about the BEST WEEKEND EVER!
The Verduyn's came up on Thursday night sometime around 11:45, and they left today (Saturday) Sometime around 4:35.
So, first things first, I have to tell you about the best night of my life!
Ok, so last night (Friday), a lady from our chapel, Mrs.Ross, held a get together for the Verduyn's at our church.
She invited people from Homeschool co-op (which most of my readers know what it is, if not, tell me in the comments and I'll explain.), and a few other people who knew the Verduyn's before they ditched us for Alberta.
So there was one dude named Danny who used to be best friends with Israel before they moved, and he was by far one of the coolest dudes I have EVER met.
He was really hilarious and crazy, and he was just really cool.
So anyways, at one point of the gathering, a few of the kids got out this huge long rope which we keep in the back with some balls and pins and such, and they started swinging it around like a jump rope.
Well Brenna and I started joking around like we were going to jump into the rope and start jump roping, and somehow that spiraled into this big game of jump robe between all the older kids.
So after we all got really tired from all the jumping, we decided to go outside and cool off.
Well, the shoes I was wearing (Sneakers, I know, not appropriate for winter, but oh well :P) took me forever to tie, so I was one of the last ones out there.
Oh by the way, before I continue, Israel Verduyn and Danny are both 12. (Same age as me. OH GOSH DID I JUST REVEAL MY AGE!?)
Anyways, so I went outside and my friend Erin and Shelby were halfway down the parking lot and they started yelling at me to move or run and to watch out.
Having no idea what they were talking about, I looked to my right, I saw Danny filling this huge bowl with snow.
So, I started running, but of course it wasn't in time and Danny totally had me covered in snow.
And from this became one of the biggest, no it WAS the biggest, snowball fights of my life.
We all went inside and found empty water pitchers and we started filling them with snow and throwing it at each other.
Of course, me being me, I wasn't wearing a coat nor any other item of warmth.
So, I was of course pretty much the wettest and coldest one there.
Anyways, after the snowball fight died down a little, Brenna, Israel Danny, Erin, Shelby, and I all started talking and joking around and stuff 'till sometime around 10:00.
So it was really amazingly fun and it was pretty much the best night of my life :P
So yeah! The rest of the visit with the Verduyn's was really great and fun and I'm really sad they're not at our house anymore.
Tomorrow is the last time I get to see them too, and I'm really bummed about that :S
But yeah, it was such a fun week/weekend and I'm just really sad that it had to end!
So there's really not much else to tell you, unless you want me to tell you about every little detail about the amazing get together on Friday.
But that's not gonna happen :P
Those little details will stay with ME forever :p
So yeah, I'll be posting again soon, and I hope you guys all had a fantabulawesome week/weekend like I did and I hope you have a great one in the week coming!
Kisses and hugs!!!!
So, I'm having just about the BEST WEEKEND EVER!
The Verduyn's came up on Thursday night sometime around 11:45, and they left today (Saturday) Sometime around 4:35.
So, first things first, I have to tell you about the best night of my life!
Ok, so last night (Friday), a lady from our chapel, Mrs.Ross, held a get together for the Verduyn's at our church.
She invited people from Homeschool co-op (which most of my readers know what it is, if not, tell me in the comments and I'll explain.), and a few other people who knew the Verduyn's before they ditched us for Alberta.
So there was one dude named Danny who used to be best friends with Israel before they moved, and he was by far one of the coolest dudes I have EVER met.
He was really hilarious and crazy, and he was just really cool.
So anyways, at one point of the gathering, a few of the kids got out this huge long rope which we keep in the back with some balls and pins and such, and they started swinging it around like a jump rope.
Well Brenna and I started joking around like we were going to jump into the rope and start jump roping, and somehow that spiraled into this big game of jump robe between all the older kids.
So after we all got really tired from all the jumping, we decided to go outside and cool off.
Well, the shoes I was wearing (Sneakers, I know, not appropriate for winter, but oh well :P) took me forever to tie, so I was one of the last ones out there.
Oh by the way, before I continue, Israel Verduyn and Danny are both 12. (Same age as me. OH GOSH DID I JUST REVEAL MY AGE!?)
Anyways, so I went outside and my friend Erin and Shelby were halfway down the parking lot and they started yelling at me to move or run and to watch out.
Having no idea what they were talking about, I looked to my right, I saw Danny filling this huge bowl with snow.
So, I started running, but of course it wasn't in time and Danny totally had me covered in snow.
And from this became one of the biggest, no it WAS the biggest, snowball fights of my life.
We all went inside and found empty water pitchers and we started filling them with snow and throwing it at each other.
Of course, me being me, I wasn't wearing a coat nor any other item of warmth.
So, I was of course pretty much the wettest and coldest one there.
Anyways, after the snowball fight died down a little, Brenna, Israel Danny, Erin, Shelby, and I all started talking and joking around and stuff 'till sometime around 10:00.
So it was really amazingly fun and it was pretty much the best night of my life :P
So yeah! The rest of the visit with the Verduyn's was really great and fun and I'm really sad they're not at our house anymore.
Tomorrow is the last time I get to see them too, and I'm really bummed about that :S
But yeah, it was such a fun week/weekend and I'm just really sad that it had to end!
So there's really not much else to tell you, unless you want me to tell you about every little detail about the amazing get together on Friday.
But that's not gonna happen :P
Those little details will stay with ME forever :p
So yeah, I'll be posting again soon, and I hope you guys all had a fantabulawesome week/weekend like I did and I hope you have a great one in the week coming!
Kisses and hugs!!!!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Hey peoples!
How's ya been?
My life has been fairly awesome, but you know XD
Anyways, on to the other important junk in my life.
Like how awesome this March is going to be!
Next weekend, some friends of ours, the Verduyns (which we never get to see because they live all the way out in Alberta), are coming up from Thursday night to Saturday afternoon! I'm super excited to see them, even though out of the seven people in the family only one is female...
So that's one exctiting thing happening this March/March break.
Another exciting thing happening this March/March break, is the weekend AFTER the Verduyns come up, I'm going to a youth conference (Winter Blitz) up in New Liskeard.
It's a weekend long and I'm really excited to go to that! I', going up with this amazing girl I know named Chelsia (She's twenty XD Thumbs up for hanging out with oldies!), and I'm staying the weekend at her house.
The Winter Blitz is pretty much like the Sudbury Youth Conference I told you about back back in November except this one is in New Liskeard, a lot smaller, and it's my first time attending.
I pretty much only know four people going, so it should be a little interesting :P
I've set a goal to make at least five new friends/acquaintances, so that should make it all the more interesting.
Another thing that might be happening is we might be getting a player piano from our across the street neighbors! It's that kind of piano you see in cartoons and old movies with that huge cylinder thing right smack in the middle of the piano which makes the piano play by itself. Really excited to be getting that!
ANOTHER thing that there's a slight chance of happening is I might be getting braces :'(
Not sure if I told you about that or not, so I'll give you a quick rundown of what's going to be happening to my mouth.
I have messed up teeth. Just thought I'd clear that up first XD
There's three options for my teeth.
Option one and two involves me getting some sort of fancy equipment in my mouth.
The third option is me getting a tooth pulled on my top row of teeth, this being the most likely option to happen.
No matter what option I get done thought, they involve me getting braces on my top on bottom teeth :'(
I'm gonna look like a total geek with glasses and braces!
But with that aside, I must ask the little hamster running on its wheel inside my head if there's anything else in need of sharing with you...
Ah, yes! This March I'm hoping on opening up a new blog, which I'm going to base around this new book I'm writing. Each week I'll be adding a new chapter, and I'm going to have polls and such to see what you guys think should happen next.
I don't plan on that actually happening this March though, considering the only thing I've got so far on the book is the title XD (The Immortal Sinner. Cheesy, right? :P)
Well that's all that's new and exciting with me, but I hope to be making another blog post soon! Love you alls! Xoxo
P.S. Sorry for my lack of posting :S
P.P.S. Oh! I almost forgot to mention! I'm adding a new thing to my blog that will be featured at the bottom. Quote or funny saying of the day! XD
How's ya been?
My life has been fairly awesome, but you know XD
Anyways, on to the other important junk in my life.
Like how awesome this March is going to be!
Next weekend, some friends of ours, the Verduyns (which we never get to see because they live all the way out in Alberta), are coming up from Thursday night to Saturday afternoon! I'm super excited to see them, even though out of the seven people in the family only one is female...
So that's one exctiting thing happening this March/March break.
Another exciting thing happening this March/March break, is the weekend AFTER the Verduyns come up, I'm going to a youth conference (Winter Blitz) up in New Liskeard.
It's a weekend long and I'm really excited to go to that! I', going up with this amazing girl I know named Chelsia (She's twenty XD Thumbs up for hanging out with oldies!), and I'm staying the weekend at her house.
The Winter Blitz is pretty much like the Sudbury Youth Conference I told you about back back in November except this one is in New Liskeard, a lot smaller, and it's my first time attending.
I pretty much only know four people going, so it should be a little interesting :P
I've set a goal to make at least five new friends/acquaintances, so that should make it all the more interesting.
Another thing that might be happening is we might be getting a player piano from our across the street neighbors! It's that kind of piano you see in cartoons and old movies with that huge cylinder thing right smack in the middle of the piano which makes the piano play by itself. Really excited to be getting that!
ANOTHER thing that there's a slight chance of happening is I might be getting braces :'(
Not sure if I told you about that or not, so I'll give you a quick rundown of what's going to be happening to my mouth.
I have messed up teeth. Just thought I'd clear that up first XD
There's three options for my teeth.
Option one and two involves me getting some sort of fancy equipment in my mouth.
The third option is me getting a tooth pulled on my top row of teeth, this being the most likely option to happen.
No matter what option I get done thought, they involve me getting braces on my top on bottom teeth :'(
I'm gonna look like a total geek with glasses and braces!
But with that aside, I must ask the little hamster running on its wheel inside my head if there's anything else in need of sharing with you...
Ah, yes! This March I'm hoping on opening up a new blog, which I'm going to base around this new book I'm writing. Each week I'll be adding a new chapter, and I'm going to have polls and such to see what you guys think should happen next.
I don't plan on that actually happening this March though, considering the only thing I've got so far on the book is the title XD (The Immortal Sinner. Cheesy, right? :P)
Well that's all that's new and exciting with me, but I hope to be making another blog post soon! Love you alls! Xoxo
P.S. Sorry for my lack of posting :S
P.P.S. Oh! I almost forgot to mention! I'm adding a new thing to my blog that will be featured at the bottom. Quote or funny saying of the day! XD
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Sexy Incorporated?...
Vivienne Westwood herself talks about fashion at an exhibition celebrating 40 years of her footwear. Miz. Viv on shoes:
"Shoes are sexy. I mean, everything has to be sexy. That’s what my job is."
If I said this I would have to replace the word “shoes” with “human interactions,” and “sexy” with “excruciatingly awkward.”
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Sleevy and Interview!
Hey everyone! It's me! And me want you to check out these videos Brenna and I made when she was last over!!!
Hope you enjoy watching these as much as we enjoyed making them!
Hope you enjoy watching these as much as we enjoyed making them!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Thought I would share this with you...
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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