Saturday, March 12, 2011


So, I'm having just about the BEST WEEKEND EVER!
The Verduyn's came up on Thursday night sometime around 11:45, and they left today (Saturday) Sometime around 4:35.
So, first things first, I have to tell you about the best night of my life!
Ok, so last night (Friday), a lady from our chapel, Mrs.Ross, held a get together for the Verduyn's at our church.
She invited people from Homeschool co-op (which most of my readers know what it is, if not, tell me in the comments and I'll explain.), and a few other people who knew the Verduyn's before they ditched us for Alberta.
So there was one dude named Danny who used to be best friends with Israel before they moved, and he was by far one of the coolest dudes I have EVER met.
He was really hilarious and crazy, and he was just really cool.
So anyways, at one point of the gathering, a few of the kids got out this huge long rope which we keep in the back with some balls and pins and such, and they started swinging it around like a jump rope.
Well Brenna and I started joking around like we were going to jump into the rope and start jump roping, and somehow that spiraled into this big game of jump robe between all the older kids.
So after we all got really tired from all the jumping, we decided to go outside and cool off.
Well, the shoes I was wearing (Sneakers, I know, not appropriate for winter, but oh well :P) took me forever to tie, so I was one of the last ones out there.
Oh by the way, before I continue, Israel Verduyn and Danny are both 12. (Same age as me. OH GOSH DID I JUST REVEAL MY AGE!?)
Anyways, so I went outside and my friend Erin and Shelby were halfway down the parking lot and they started yelling at me to move or run and to watch out.
Having no idea what they were talking about, I looked to my right, I saw Danny filling this huge bowl with snow.
So, I started running, but of course it wasn't in time and Danny totally had me covered in snow.
And from this became one of the biggest, no it WAS the biggest, snowball fights of my life.
We all went inside and found empty water pitchers and we started filling them with snow and throwing it at each other.
Of course, me being me, I wasn't wearing a coat nor any other item of warmth.
So, I was of course pretty much the wettest and coldest one there.
Anyways, after the snowball fight died down a little, Brenna, Israel Danny, Erin, Shelby, and I all started talking and joking around and stuff 'till sometime around 10:00.
So it was really amazingly fun and it was pretty much the best night of my life :P
So yeah! The rest of the visit with the Verduyn's was really great and fun and I'm really sad they're not at our house anymore.
Tomorrow is the last time I get to see them too, and I'm really bummed about that :S
But yeah, it was such a fun week/weekend and I'm just really sad that it had to end!
So there's really not much else to tell you, unless you want me to tell you about every little detail about the amazing get together on Friday.
But that's not gonna happen :P
Those little details will stay with ME forever :p
So yeah, I'll be posting again soon, and I hope you guys all had a fantabulawesome week/weekend like I did and I hope you have a great one in the week coming!
Kisses and hugs!!!!