Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas, everyone!
Haven't made a post in forever, sorreh :/
I hope everyone's holidays are going superbly!
Right now, I'm writing this post with my brand new laptop that I got for Christmas :D
(Can you say awesomest gift ever?)
I didn't get much this year, which is understandable considering I got a laptop, but oh well!
I'm happy with everything I got :)
I don't have much to say, really...
Like I've said many, many times before, I don't really do much :P
I should probably tell you about the youth conference...
I'm not going to go into details with everything that happened,
but it was a good weekend over all :)
My friend from Alberta came up (I think I mentioned that in my last post),
Which was fun...
I'm glad I got to see her, although I'm not sure she enjoyed herself as much as me or as much as she could have...
Oh wells :/
I don't have much to say right now, but I may later on this month or something...
In case I don't make another post before then,
Happy New Years to all of you guys and I hope 2012 brings you nothing but the best ;D
Talk to you all later!

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