Sunday, January 8, 2012

Renovations day...something...

Hola amigo's!!
Sorry I haven't made a post in a couple of days, I've been busy.
Actually, no, I lied.
I haven't been doing much at all except for sitting and eating :P
Renovations are going well I think,but they haven't been here since Thursday because they don't work Saturdays and Sundays and next time they're here they're going to be taking the upstairs ceiling out and if they were to take the ceilings out Friday, our house would become veeerry cold.
And since they don't work on the weekends, we would be freezing for a couple days.
So they figured they might as well just start that on Monday.
Anyways, that's it for my renovation update!
I don't have much else to talk about...
Today I was at the mall, and I bought a jacket at Urban Planet.
Not exciting, I know.
But before I continue, I should probably add the fact that to start I had $50.00 (two 20's and two 5's), just to make this a little less confusing.
So I bought a jacket for $33.89, and I gave her two 20's, so my change was $6.11.
So she gives me my receipt and change, ect.,
And when I get home, I realize not only did I drop a 5 while I was getting my money out, but the clerk at Urban Planet only gave me $1.11 instead of $6.11!!
So I'm now short $10.00!
I may be overreacting, but really.
That frustrates me -_-
Anyways, sorry for that little rant, but I thought I should make up for the few days that I haven't posted and make this one a little longer.
So I'll hopefully talk to you all tomorrow!