Monday, August 23, 2010

On The Road Again...NOT!!!!

Greetings, fellow earthlings, and everything else there is to greet. I'm finally home again, and this time I'm here to stay...for a while. Even though I'm glad I got to spend my summer the way I did, I'm happy to be off a small couch and into my own, double sized bed. And as much as I wish I didn't have to end my vacation from my neighbors, I'm glad to be home. I had an exciting time at my grandmothers visiting with my best friend Gracie and meeting my 3rd cousin Jada, plus I got new converse and (finally)a hair cut. But lets cut the whole "My vacation rocked, let me tell you all about it!" cheese that nobody cares about. Lets talk about something more interesting, like chocolate chip muffins. Everybody loves those! Except for the people who I swear are on medication and/or drugs (or have allergies to chocolate)and don't like them. Those people are SO on Santa's bad list. And don't ask me why. Well, the people who are allergic to chocolate are fine, but everyone else who doesn't eat chocolate chip muffins can just forget about me ever talking to them. Anyways, this is turning out to be something I didn't really wanna get into, so maybe I should talk to you about something else. By the way, I'm really bored so this post will most likely be really random and irrelavent and probably won't be very flowing. But that doesn't really matter because I have nothing else to really talk about, plus there's ice cream and pie waiting up stairs for me. This is Cassidy McCormick saying "Stay in school (yeah right!) and goodnight!"

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