Ok, so I've decided that every June.9th will be annual nerd day. And if you don't go along with it, then prepare to get a roundhouse kick to the side of the face from Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris and I, We're allies in crime. And allies in awesome. Anyways, back on subject. The reason I decided today to be the official nerd day for every nerd ever known in man kind to gather around at a library to check out my blog, is because my glasses, hair, and I guess everything else about me today gives my bro the sudden urge to call me a nerd. Yay for supportive and encouraging brothers! So, because of his oh, so nice words, he gave me the idea to call every nerd the lives on the face of this earth and various other planets, to go to the nearest computer station (library, home, etc.) and crowd around your computer, and read my blog, at www.theflusterednuts.blogspot.com! So don't forget,mark off in your calendars June.9th as "Annual Nerd Day"!
P.S. Check out this blog of super awesomeness! http://thisisanubercoolblog.blogspot.com/
P.P.S. And do NOT check out this blog! www.ablorg.blogspot.com
P.P.P.S. I am leaving you to go practice my awesomeness. And change into something "less nerdy".
Chuck Norris pairs with no man.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a man. So there.