Monday, June 14, 2010
Ok, so, today my birthday has arrived. I'm one year older, and on my way to a walker. And, I guess, since it's my birthday, I will finally reveal my age. 12. Yup, that's right, a whopping twelve. So, there's not much to say, other then telling you to feel free to wish me a happy birthday in the comment section below. No, I'm just kidding. But it would be nice. Anyways, I'll talk to you all later, and hope you're having a nice day, wherever you're reading this in the world. Bye bye :) XOXO Bisous (kisses in french)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ah, birthdays. We all love 'em. Unless you're me, or you're old. And speaking of me, guess who's birthday is coming up? Mine. Yes, mine. This Monday actually. And I bet you're wondering how old I'm gonna be? Well, to bad. I ain't gonna tell you. HAHA! And you really thought I was going to for a second there, didn't you?! Well, I got news for you, I wasn't. But I'm pretty sure you realized that already. You know what? I'm going to be a sweetheart for once and tell you. I'm turning 35. Yup, that's right, 35. You might be thinking "But, she looks so young and stuff for 35!" Well guess what!? It's called surgery.
You're so gullible. I'm not 35. Do I look like I'm that old? You know what? Don't answer that. I've never been 35 and I never will be. Ok, I will be, and I have been. Muahahaha! Confused? Well let me help you. I'm not 35. There, ok? Now we can talk about things of a more important manner. Which means back to my birthday, the most important manner of all. And, yes, it is true, I do not really enjoy them. Why? Because. I'd like it much better if we could just pick a day and decide to be older. Like today, I decide to be 187. Oh yeah, 187. Got a problem with that?? DIDN'T THINK SO. OK, So I'm actually turning 123. I mean 122. OK, fine. I'm turning 23. Anyways, today, at 3:00, oh yes, 3:00, I'm going birthday shopping and I'm going to look for sneakers. Beautiful wonderful sneakers that I would wear all the time if I were allowed and nothing but. I think of sneakers as a baby that I would and should love and nourish, read bedtime stories to, and sing lullabies to. OK, not really. I wear them babies out! Like, imagine an out of shape 89 year-old man that just finished running a 20 mile marathon worn out. Give me a pair of sneakers and expect them to have holes in them within a week. Oh, yes. A WEEK. Ok, so I'm really bored now so I'm going to leave and spend my time on something productive *NOT*. Even though we were in the middle of the birthday subject, I'm gonna leave you hangin'. Oh yeah, that's right! HANGIN'! LOSERS! Just kidding! Kind of...Oh, and before I leave I suppose I should tell you how old I am, eh? Ok, I'm-
Annual Nerd Day

Ok, so I've decided that every June.9th will be annual nerd day. And if you don't go along with it, then prepare to get a roundhouse kick to the side of the face from Chuck Norris. Chuck Norris and I, We're allies in crime. And allies in awesome. Anyways, back on subject. The reason I decided today to be the official nerd day for every nerd ever known in man kind to gather around at a library to check out my blog, is because my glasses, hair, and I guess everything else about me today gives my bro the sudden urge to call me a nerd. Yay for supportive and encouraging brothers! So, because of his oh, so nice words, he gave me the idea to call every nerd the lives on the face of this earth and various other planets, to go to the nearest computer station (library, home, etc.) and crowd around your computer, and read my blog, at! So don't forget,mark off in your calendars June.9th as "Annual Nerd Day"!
P.S. Check out this blog of super awesomeness!
P.P.S. And do NOT check out this blog!
P.P.P.S. I am leaving you to go practice my awesomeness. And change into something "less nerdy".
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ok, so, in my first post I think I boasted a little to much about myself. I am beautiful and amazing (lol J.K) but to tell the truth, not much goes on in the mind and life of Cassidy McCormick. I can pretty much just list off everything I do now in the coarse of a day other then meals and dressing.
1) School
2) blog
3) MSN messenger
4) playing with icky next door neighbor kids
5) Friends
6) boredom
7) more boredom
And speaking of boredom I'm gonna go because I'm really yeah b-bye!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Bestest weekend ever

before the concert (I'm the one in the plaid, she's the blondy)

Before the concert

Before the concert
Ok, so this has ultimately been the best weekend EVER! The first thing that made this weekened over the top awesome, is that ever since me and Brenna started having sleepovers we've wanted a 2 night sleepover and we finally got one! So Friday ended up being fun, but Saturday, oh, saturday was FUN! We went to a concert for the the Newsboys, and Audio Adreneline, and a band called Bread of Stone opened for them and they rocked! Plus the lead singer for Bread of Stone (Ben Kristijanto) was super CUTE! Oh, and Michael Tait (The lead singer for Newsboys) was AMAZING! And what made it even better is that ALL of the Newsboys band members also rocked ma socks of! Audio Adreneline was definetely great, but Newsboys was the BEST. The concert was so much fun fun fun! But during the concert there was some native lady who was dancing, and I don't know what her problem, whoever she learned to dance from, remind me never to get dance lessons from them. So, after finishing their concert, everyone banged on the long stage thingy (or whatever it's called) and chanted "NEWSBOYS! NEWSBOYS!" and the Newsboys came back out and did two more songs that were over the top awesome, and for the last song they did, which was their remake of "Jesus Freak", Michael Tait was dancing in such a way of awesomeness that I cannot describe! And at one part of the song he was laying on the long stage thingy on his stomach being all awesome, and he pushed himself up the stage twice with his arms then turned on his back and extended his arm to the audience (Who might I say were a bunch of not very smart youth group girls who apparently don't know enough to touch a singers hand when extended to them) and oh, it was so much FUN!!! I wish it never had to end! Even my brother, Keegan, who tends to like more of the heavy metal music, enjoyed himself! And speaking of my brother, guess who recieved a fist bump from none other then Michael Tait? Plus, my mom and brother also got a thumbs up and eye contact from Michael Tait after they gave Michael Tait the thumbs up and eye contact first! And what made Michael Tait all the more rockin' my sockin's off amazing was that he's also a really good singer live!
So after the concert was over, me and Brenna found Ben from Bread of Stones and got autographs and pictures with him (Ben put his arm around me for the picture. ME!) and Ben said to us "Yeah, I remember you two from the crowd earlier!" Oh, did I forget to mention that at the beginning of the concert when Bread of Stone was setting up, I called out Ben's name twice and Brenna called out Ben's name once and not as loud and Ben looked over at us and smiled and gave us a wave after we gave him one? Well, there. I just mentioned it. And when the Newsboys were playing, I danced like you would never believe. It's already the second day after the concert and my legs are still unbelievebly sore from jumping my heart out! Brenna and I also tried to find Michael Tait after the concert to get a picture with him, but alas, we could not find the uncontrollably amazing soul. At least I was a V.I.P and I got autographs from all of the Newsboys and Audio Adreneline at the V.I.P meet and greet!
So, all in all, June.5th was the best night of my ENTIRE LIFE. And what made the night all the better, is that all the bands were good christian rock bands! Anyways, that's all for now, thank you so much for reading my seriously long post with probably lots of bad grammar and probably bad spelling and lots of me babbling on about the best night of my life! Love you all a ton!
XOXO, love love love-
P.S. I also got an awesome pin the says Bread of Stone on it, and I got a poster of the Newsboys!
P.P.S. There are some pictures of the seriously awesome concert at the top! Sorry about the messed up order but the pictures go in order from bottom picture to top picture :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
My first post
Ok,today's subject is me, Cassidy McCormick. Why? Because I'm awesome. Why? Because I'm just that awesome. Why? Because that's just how awesome I am. Ok, so I lied. Today's subject isn't really me. But I know that you wish it was! So, the reason I'm writing this blog is because I was really bored and I wanted a blog. Besides, this could actually turn out well...I doubt that... and my brother agreed that if I read his blog he'd read mine. But then I thought, since we made that agreement, that meant I'd have to stop being so lazy and actually write a blog for him to read...Because I'm not just gonna go and read HIS blog on my own free time, not get anything in return, and corrupt my computer! Speaking of my, lemme tell you about MY life. And MY life only. So that means, keep yo' filthy paws off of it. Anyways, back to MY life that you can't have. I tend to be a VERY orginized person. Ok, fine. I lied again. I'm not very orginized at all. But I don't have to tell anyone that...even though I just! I also tend to like to scare people randomly. Did it work? BOO! How about now? NO? OK, you suck. Anyways, I also like to smile, meet new people, laugh, meet new people, cry (not really I just wanted to put that in there), meet new people, be myself, meet new people, intentionally bothering people, and meet new people. Yes, this is the beautiful creation earth calls Cassidy McCormick. Jealous? NO? You should be.
But anyways, I'm just gonna go outside, find a nice cave, crawl up in the corner, and die.
And remember kids, don't play with matches!
-Cassidy OUT!
But anyways, I'm just gonna go outside, find a nice cave, crawl up in the corner, and die.
And remember kids, don't play with matches!
-Cassidy OUT!
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