Sorry it's been forever since I last made a post.
I've been really busy (not really, I just said that to make myself sound cool).
I hope everyone's having a year, and I hope whatever holidays were in between the last post and this one were enjoyable for you.
This weekend coming (the 11th, 12th, and 13th) is the annual Sudbury Youth Conference!!
I'm psyched out of my mind!!
Also, this Wednesday, my friend from Alberta is coming up until Sunday, which is going to make this week all the better :D
My mind and soul are over flowing with the deep kind of joy that could bring this world peace...(hippy moment) :P
Anyways, I'm so excited I'm even going to give you guys this picture of happy people jumping on a sandy beach.
(My favorite one is the last one on the right who looks like she's about to give birth in the air)

Hopefully that might give you an idea of my excitement.
Other than that, honestly nothing new and/or exciting has happened to me.
Sorry this wasn't a longer post, but you can expect at least a fairly long one on Monday, in which I'll be telling you about my Youth Conference weekend, along with my time with my Alberta friend :D
Talk to you all on Monday,