Hey everyone!
It's Victoria weekend, and I'm currently at Brenna's house for a sleepover :D
So I just wanted to make a quick post letting you guys know what's been happening with me.
So last Tuesday, there was a ladies dinner at our church, but the same night there was a concert for a Christian band called Switchfoot.
So I wasn't allowed going to the the concert, but brenna and Shelby were going.
So usually when there's an event at our church, Brenna's always asked to sing.
BUT SINCE SHE WAS GONE, I was finally asked for ONCE.
(What on earth would we all do without Brenna? *Sarcasm*)
So I sang an old hymn called 'Be Thou My Vision".
"Be Thou My Vision" actually happens to be favorite hymn by the way, too :D
Anyways, I only had a day and a half to practice it, so I ended up messing up alot on the first verse and a few other times here and there during the song.
But my mom video taped it, so I decided to post the video on here :)
But I haven't gotten around to it just quite yet, 'cause I'm lazy :P
Oh, and before I forget, I have a few other videos I want to post on here too.
They'll probably be up sometime this week, but I could just get lazier then usual and procrastinate and not end up posting it 'till sometime next month :P
But yeah, I just wanted to make a quick post letting you know whats been happening with me lately.
(I lead a pretty boring life, I know.)
So anyways, I'll talk to you guys later, and I hope you guys have a good week and Ill talk to you all later!!
Signing out for good *Not really*,
P.S. It's ma' birfday in a couple of weeks!! YAY! I'll be turning **!!
P.P.S. Check out my brother's blog, www.ablorg.blogspot.com
P.P.P.S. Also, check out Brenna's blog www.brenna-blogy.blogspot.com