Friday, December 30, 2011


Well as you can tell by my title,
I couldn't think of anything clever or witty to start this post off.
So, the rest is all downhill from here. :P
I was just looking through all my posts I've ever created on this blog,
and the one thought that was constant in my mind the whole time, was
"Wow. I was a real tard back then."
And really, all the grammar and spelling mistakes I made were simply ridiculous.
Simpully ridickulus.
Of course, I have the ability to go back and edit everything,
but do you know how much time and work that would mean?
I definitely don't feel like putting that much effort into this blog :P
But really, it's amazing how much I've changed since just last year.
Mostly in looks, which I'm definitely not complaining about.
I was a bit of an ugly duckling :P
Not that I'm much better now, but lets not get into that.
I'm looking forward to 2012, to be quite honest,
2011 hasn't been that great, haha xD
I've decided on making a few changes this year, too...
I plan on dropping a few of the newly gained Christmas pounds for one... :P
I also hope to read through the whole New Testament in whatever time it takes me (A chapter a day AT LEAST, and I have to be done by New Years 2012),
And also I hope to pick up running....
I'm aiming to be able to do 5k by Christmas 2012,
hopefully sooner, though...
So anyways,
I just wanted to share needless information with you guys,
And I hope 2012 brings you nothing but the best and for everyone to enjoy the rest of their holidays!
Happy New Years everyone :)

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Merry Christmas, everyone!
Haven't made a post in forever, sorreh :/
I hope everyone's holidays are going superbly!
Right now, I'm writing this post with my brand new laptop that I got for Christmas :D
(Can you say awesomest gift ever?)
I didn't get much this year, which is understandable considering I got a laptop, but oh well!
I'm happy with everything I got :)
I don't have much to say, really...
Like I've said many, many times before, I don't really do much :P
I should probably tell you about the youth conference...
I'm not going to go into details with everything that happened,
but it was a good weekend over all :)
My friend from Alberta came up (I think I mentioned that in my last post),
Which was fun...
I'm glad I got to see her, although I'm not sure she enjoyed herself as much as me or as much as she could have...
Oh wells :/
I don't have much to say right now, but I may later on this month or something...
In case I don't make another post before then,
Happy New Years to all of you guys and I hope 2012 brings you nothing but the best ;D
Talk to you all later!